What makes us different?
Many things, of course! But there are some practices that we have that set us apart from many other Witch and Wiccan traditions.
First, our Sabbats are calculated astrologically, rather than by using fixed calendar dates. This ensures that the festival is celebrated at the time based on the Sun’s progression through the zodiac. This information can be found in any ephemeris and most astrological calendars. Thus, for instance, we recognize Samhain as occurring when the Sun is in 15 degrees of the sign of Scorpio, which in 2014 falls on November 7th.
Second, in order for our sacred space to accurately reflect the Wheel of the Year and to make it more balanced, we have a system of elemental correspondences where the direction of East is ruled by the element of Earth, while North is ruled by Air. South is ruled by Fire, and West by Water as is common in most other Wiccan groups.
Third, we believe that a tool cannot represent an element if it can be destroyed by that element. Therefore, the four main elemental tools are as such: Earth- pentacle, Fire- sword/athame, Water- chalice, and Air- wand.